Wenzhou Pump & Valve Enterprise Gathers Good Measures to Break Development Bottleneck

Wenzhou Pump and Valve Industry Association held three sessions of the fourth general meeting held in Wenzhou. The leadership of the Wenzhou City Economic and Information Commission and the General Secretary of the China Valve Association Song Yinli were invited to attend. Representatives and representatives of more than 200 member companies of the association attended the conference.

It is reported that the three quarters of this year will soon be over. Due to the continuous impact of the international financial crisis and the harm caused by the financial turmoil in Wenzhou City last year, enterprises have encountered many unprecedented difficulties and have directly affected the economic development of the entire industry. At present, there are several major types of outstanding problems in the Wenzhou valve industry:

First, fluctuations in economic data: From January to June, the production situation of the Wenzhou valve and valve industry rose steadily, but after entering the production trend in June after the decline, to the end of August, the industry's total output value reached 17.5 billion yuan, sales were A total of 145 billion yuan was paid by the industry, and the tax revenue of the industry was 575 million yuan. The above data shows that the development of the industry is still stable, basically the same as last year.

The second is the poor operation of enterprises: This year's more typical features are the leading enterprises in the industry, large enterprises have sufficient orders, production is stable, and they are in a stable and slightly upward trend. The small and micro enterprises have experienced shrinkage and decline, especially after entering the market in June. The individual companies are already in a state of production suspension and semi-discontinuation. Since June, the output value has seen a slight negative growth. According to the current development situation, the stability of the The good trend is still not obvious.

Third, the shrinking profit concerns: As the volume and price of orders drop, and the fierce competition in the market, the company's profit margin is minimal. Individual companies have already suffered losses. A considerable number of companies report that they only barely started production in order to maintain the wages of workers. If this continues, it would rather stop production.

Fourth, from the current production situation, domestic orders show a declining trend, and export products have risen quietly. From the perspective of the production status of several large-scale and large-scale enterprises, the main export products are mainly exported from this year to June. The total amount reached 420 million U.S. dollars, compared with 360 million U.S. dollars in the same period of last year, a year-on-year increase of 16.7%. In addition, the export products of the past only limited the pattern in the Middle East and Africa, and the orders from Europe and the United States have been increasing. The proportion of exports to the entire industry has increased significantly.

Fifth, the lack of market stamina: According to the industry's understanding of the next step in the business situation, companies with no orders in the fourth quarter accounted for 25%, nearly 30% of corporate orders fell compared to last year, the lack of new market players, even if a little order, batch Small, short, small, scattered, the decline in orders is more obvious, is also not optimistic about the expectations of the second half, the decline in the situation is difficult to stop for a short time.

Sixth, financing is difficult. High financing costs are still plaguing the development of enterprises, especially small and micro enterprises. Although the country has loosened its loan policies, due to the increase in non-performing loan ratios, banks have raised the threshold of loans, and small and micro enterprises want to lend. It is still not easy to reach a certain amount of money. The phenomenon of pressure on loans and capital injections still exists. The interest rates of individual banks are still being manipulated and the cost of financing remains high.

At the conference, executive vice presidents Chen Jinfa and Xia Furong respectively reported on bottlenecks in the development of the Wenzhou valve and valve industry, and how to seek countermeasures and breakthroughs. The executive vice president Yang Liancheng made a report on the financial work of the association and passed new members. report. The leaders of the Wenzhou City Economic and Information Technology Commission made an important speech and Song Yinli, Secretary General of the China Valve Association, made an important report on the situation of China's valve industry.

President Yang Rongshui pointed out in the report of the “Wenzhou Pump and Valve Industry Association's Fourth Session of the Third Session of the General Assembly” how to view the current economic situation: It is of utmost importance to strengthen confidence, advance steadily, and achieve the expected goals of annual economic development. He mainly made several requests:

The first is to strengthen confidence: whether it is the continuous fall of economic data or the market downturn, these phenomena all indicate that the current economic downward pressure is indeed greater.

As long as we strengthen our confidence and respond calmly, we can stand the test, weather the difficulties and usher in a sound and fast development of the industry economy. We must not forget that when the 2008 international financial crisis struck like a storm, with confidence that is more important than gold, we have successfully resisted the financial turmoil and achieved economic reversal. After trials and baptisms, we have a more profound understanding of macro-control, which has provided us with strong support for maintaining stable development in a complex economic environment.

The second is to threaten the opportunity: Macroeconomic regulation has more room for manoeuvre, which is our policy of firm confidence. The economy is showing signs of stabilizing and bottoming out. It is a confirmation of our determination. Therefore, we must turn the economic downturn into a structural adjustment. It has been transformed into the driving force of reforms, and it is “critically at risk” and “strategizing opportunities at risk”, accelerating the transformation of economic development models, promoting scientific development, and maintaining a stable economic growth.

The third is to transform and upgrade: At present, due to the substantial increase in labor costs, the pressure on resources and environment is large, and it is urgent to require transformation and upgrading. We must be good at applying market methods and reform thinking, improving the technological level of enterprises, and enhancing the internal dynamics of the economy. At the same time, we must Steady growth and adjustment of the structure, combined with transformation and upgrading, responded to the Wenzhou municipal party committee and government to promote the economic development of the heroes per mu, and accelerated the pace of transformation and upgrading, so as to achieve stable economic development.

Fourth, in the face of financing difficulties, the association will continue to coordinate the financing relationship between banks and enterprises, broaden financing channels, effectively solve corporate difficulties, and actively encourage SMEs to smuggle the path of debt issuance to meet the needs of funds. Jiangnan Valve has successfully issued 50 million yuan of private placement bonds with a nominal interest rate of 9.2%. The deadline is two years. The funds have arrived on July 25, which is also the direction of future financing for our company. Recently, the risk of mutual loan guarantees of bank loan companies has become obvious. The risks arising from guarantee chains have occurred from time to time, and some companies with better returns have also been implicated. This phenomenon has already occurred in the industry, and it is the time when the year is closed. This situation will inevitably still occur, and it hopes to attract the attention of various companies.

Fifth, companies should raise their awareness of human resource hiring laws, try to avoid disputes over labor relations, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises. In recent years, disputes in labor-related labor relations across the industry have shown an upward trend, and several arbitrations by labor departments have been applied to enterprises. Disadvantages have caused certain economic losses to the company. In the future, we must regulate the employment contract, try not to allow people to take advantage of legal loopholes, and effectively protect their own rights and interests.

Sixth, the association’s secretariat is the main bridge between member companies and associations. It also undertakes the government’s promotion and implementation of some preferential policies for enterprises. For example, the document “2012(166)” promulgated by the municipal government and municipal government The factory buildings built on the land should be re-submitted in accordance with the regulations and be legalized. In addition, there are preferential policies in terms of floor area ratio and building density. For example, if a member company encounters such a situation and needs, please contact the secretariat of the association. From the visit of the secretariat to the company in the first half of the year, it is learned that some companies reflect the dismantling of illegal buildings. Strong, especially small and micro enterprises, the living environment is somewhat difficult. Demolition is not only essential for beautifying the urban environment and improving the overall image of the city, but also an important decision of the municipal party committee and municipal government. Our member companies must actively support and cooperate with each other, and have no influence on some special historic reasons. We will try our best to gain the understanding and support from the municipal government.

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